This is the Big Spring Cleaning Weekend which is necessitated by the Big Termite Inspection later this week. We figure the inspector will need to be able to actually get through all the rooms to inspect them, and that isn't possible with in my son's room or my bedroom. My bedroom is really mostly my husband's office, and since both my son and my husband have a super power that enables them to create catastrophic chaos without even trying or even noticing they're doing it, those two rooms are pretty horrifying. I generally avoid them. I know this makes me sound like a terrible homemaker and that's because I am a terrible homemaker. I'd rather pretend they don't exist than constantly clean them and have a tidy house. Used to be I'd go in there and clean until I found their floors and the guys would promise they'd never, ever let them get like that again and swear they'd clean a little every night to keep the mess under control and then a couple weeks later I'd walk in and want to cry at the mess. At which point I'd yell at them, which never changed anything but made me feel like crap. So now I avoid those rooms as much as possible and yell a lot less- unless a termite inspector is coming for a visit. I've promised myself I won't yell, but I don't know if I can stick to it. Tonight my little dog Pete snuck upstairs and came back down with an old sandwich in his mouth! He's scavenging food from my son's room! What is that boy doing in there?! Doesn't he clean up anything? All that stuff about respecting your teen's space and privacy goes right out the window when you find out there are old sandwiches molding in his room. I'm going in there with lots of garbage bags tomorrow. If ya'll don't hear from me again- send help!