I haven't posted in so long. M.E.'s cold turned out to be a respiratory flu that lasts forever. I came down with it Valentine's Day and then it got Lee and Bee. As of today, M.E. seems finally over it, Lee still has a cough and I still have a touch of pink-eye (this plague came with fever, congestion, cough, sore throat, pink eye an mouth sores- I'm not making that up!). I'm tired all the time too. I'm looking forward to a healthy spring.
Speaking of spring, my spring-time baby is turning six on Thursday. Six! She's grown in to such a lovely big kid. I keep thinking I'll miss the little one she was, but I like the person she's become. So funny and friendly and neat with a needle. I like to craft, but I seem to be unable to be tidy about it or to follow a straight line. That's why I gravitate towards the more forgiving textiles like wool. That's also why I asked my friend Kelly (of Modern June) to make an apron for M.E.'s birthday. I kept thinking something as simple as an apron I could make myself, but the thing is, I wanted it to look good - and Kelly's aprons not only look good, they're well made. Bee and I are former restaurant people. Bee especially. He bartended for years. When M.E. helps him cook they play restaurant. M.'s usually the sous chef or a waitress. Since Bee works from home, she loves to make his lunch and pretend to be his waitress. I asked Kelly if she would make a special apron for M.E. She's posted a picture of it on her blog. It's the cute little cherry patterned one on the bottom of the page. M.E.'s going to love it! Kelly made sure to include nice big pockets for M.'s ordering pad and any other assorted waitress items (napkin, silverware, etc) she might need to carry.
I did plan on making something for M.E. too. I was going to finish a play quilt I started a long time ago (I won't say how long. It's too embarrassing) but the plague knocked me way off schedule. So instead I'm finishing up a doll I started to make for M.E. last summer. She's from this book and you can see my WIP at the top of the page.
I leave you with Cotswald curls:
If I had the time before Thursday, I was going to needle felt a little something for M. too. I don't think I will now. Being sick forever has put me so far behind. Still, I plan to have lots of fun with all those pretty colors.
My kids did not have a cold but they did have a virus that gave them terrible mouth sores, all over their mouths and gums. Poor kids. I hope you are all on the mend now, or at least on the brighter side of it.
Posted by: Kirsten | March 06, 2007 at 09:13 AM
Yes, please do link to me!
Posted by: Kirsten | March 06, 2007 at 09:40 AM
Your new blog looks great! I remember you mentioning it on Livejournal, but this is the first time I've seen it--thanks for visiting my blog. About muslin for dolls--for some dolls it works great, it's what I usually use. It's especially nice for the flat type of dolls. I was using a pattern with several pieces for the head to make it more "head-shaped" and the muslin I got was the lightest weight--the .99 a yard stuff at Joann's. It was pulling funny and wouldn't shape the head properly. A heavier weight muslin would have worked--I have made dolls with that and it works fine.
Posted by: Donna | March 09, 2007 at 10:05 AM
Hope your big 6 year old had a great Birthday!!! All the little crafty things you get for her are so cute (the Valentine's Day stuff, too).
I was always thinking our girls were further apart in age, but your M.E. is only 5 months older. Hmmm...
Posted by: Tiff | March 09, 2007 at 04:38 PM
Lynn you are so sweet, I hope she liked it!
Posted by: Kelly_ModernJune | March 11, 2007 at 05:34 PM