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April 04, 2007



That is one hot bag! I got a nice custom cash pouch (for art sales) from another seller. Etsy really opens up the possibilities for reasonably priced creative work.


Wow, I am very impressed that you seem to love the bag!! I appreciate you for linking to my site from your blog! Thank you very, very much for sending me your HOT feeling!


What a GORGEOUS bag! And what a wonderful way to use it -- to contain your projects and keep them prettily out in the open so that you remember to work on them and take them with you. I love it!

Oh, and I never told you that it's fine with me if you want to link to my Xanga over here. :-)


bring your project to coop and you can use my camera. in the garden behind the meeting house
are some good photo spots. remind me to bring it. btw don't leave the coop I need you around!



I second that. You stay in the co-op and you can have my camera every other day even :)

and yes, I was one of those ogling your bag:0


Hey, we got a mini rex today. I also found a bunny blog that you might enjoy at http://www.hopperhome.com/bunny_blog.htm

Update soon!


That is a very cute bag, indeed. I'm a big fan of Etsy, too. I'll have to check out Momonmo's shop. It looks great in your house! Perfect colors!

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