I've spun up a bunch of wool.
First I turned this lovely, one pound of hand painted wool from the Barefoot Spinner (no website)
into this pound of thick singles
I'm not sure what to make with it. That's a lot of yarn and as much as I love those fall leaf colors, I don't usually wear them.
Then I spun up this fun stuff Mom got for me at the Fall Fiber Fest of Virginia. I don't know what it's all made up of, but it looks like Muppet monster hair to me. It's from Pucker Brush Farm (no website) and they call it "Party in a Bag"
I'd left it squashed in a bag since October and it got a little felted, so it wasn't nearly as fun to spin as it looked, but it sure was pretty soaking in our bathtub. Looked like some sort of exotic seaweed
Now I have another big pile of yarn, but this one I think I'll weave into a scarf for myself. I like green.
Currently I'm working on this bright Muppet hair and I think it's my favorite.
It's so loud and happy -it looks like Mardi Gras!
I'm also working on a little Wee Wonderfuls hand sewing project for some girls who just became big sisters.
I borrowed that pink basket from M. so I could take a tidier picture of my handwork. I wish I was neat enough to work like that- all my supplies in one convenient basket, ready to pick-up and take around the room with me. This is what my workspace really looked like:
M.'s been sick all week (strep and a bad cold). By Friday I had her cold followed by a nasty migraine all day Saturday, so now our whole house looks pretty much like that.
Poor M., who thrives on socializing, has been miserable and bored, bored, bored. When she wasn't coughing or on forced rest, she tried to keep busy.
as well as some underwear out of a large freezer bag. "They're special because when you sweat in them, they hold all your sweat and keep you cool!" She was so proud of her sweaty drawers! She modeled them for me, but I refrained from snapping any photos of her plastic clad heiner. She also booby trapped the couch, hallway and various entry ways with tape and a never ending skein of bright pink, acrylic yarn. She could have done that for days, but it got old for the rest of us pretty fast.
We used her alluvial plain biome experiment as a setting for pictures with Lee's new Mouse Guard figures
And on one especially cold day, M. entertained herself by taking pictures of our pups trying to stay warm.
Petey nesting in a chair
Petey sure is lucky he's so cute, because he has the personality of a gross old drunk guy at a bar who won't leave you alone and doesn't notice your disgust when he breathes his horrifyingly stinky breath in your face and then, when he gets kicked-out of the place, his pickled brain decides the only appropriate response is to pee on the front door. Plus, that dog likes to get right next to people and then fart a lot. But so cute! Lookit him all warm and cozy up there!