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« I still make things | Main | Hearts »

February 01, 2008



We have four computers--Brian has a laptop for work, Miranda and Ivy have their own when Brian found an amazing online deal last year. I would have been baffled at a family who had four computers back when we first got ours 8 years ago, but with homeschooling it's great.

The bugs are so cute--isn't Wee Wonderfuls a great website? Makes me a little envious at times but I love reading it, it's one of the first craft blogs I found years ago.

Lisa B-K

Oh, fifteen! How is that possible? Happy birthday to both of you!

We have three computers here - Cody's desktop, my laptop, and a desktop downstairs that Jim and Lilly share. I feel pretty strongly about basically unfettered computer access for all of us, because we all use it so much. I've never regretted spending the money.


that's the cutest angry insect i ever saw!


Aw...I can't believe how fast time time goes by. Yay for having a free lap top..until ME decides that she needs one, anyway. Heh!


Awww, happy birthday to him!! I can't believe you all made it this long sharing a computer ;)

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