Bee gave me something new you might like to have too. I tend to collect images online and stick them in an inspiration folder- the same way I tear pages out of magazines and save them. I rarely remember where I got the images, which bugs me, and I'm terrible about organizing them. Makes it a pain to find them later. Mostly I'm just cluttering up my computer. Now I use evernote. I just highlight the image, post, recipe or page I want to keep and them clip it to evernote. I have a notebooks for various categories and best of all, evernote lists where I got it all from! There's more you can do with it, but I am terrible about adapting to anything new and it will probably take me a year to figure out how to get the most out of it. It's still in beta and I couldn't get it to work in Mozilla, so I use it in ie right now. If anyone is interested, I have nine invitations left and would be happy to e-mail you one.
other things I'm enjoying right now:
thiscraft blog (I want to make one of these)
this lovely book
this DIY dollhouse
Jek's spring bed
rachel ries
this food blog